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Choose from multiple recoded guided meditations: Appreciation, Breath, Chakra, Gratitude, Grief, Harmony ...
READ MOREChakras are 7 energy points in our bodies: Root affects your stability, courage, and grounding, Sacral affects ...
READ MOREThe 4-week meditation and breathwork series is created for you to hear all the amazing benefits of what meditation ...
READ MOREThe 21-day meditation challenge is designed for you to experience different meditation styles. This allows you ...
READ MOREYoga Nidra is a state of consciousness between waking up and sleeping, used to cultivate emotional and physical relaxation!
Reset Grounding Breathwork meditation is an offering for you, a moment to ground yourself, to take time and reset...
READ MOREYour Vagus Nerve is our life force verve, which affects your sympathetic and parasympathetic ...
READ MOREChoose from multiple recorded guided meditations
7 Week Chakra Series
4 Week Meditation & Breathwork Series
21 Day Meditation Challenge
Yoga Nidra
Reset Grounding Breathwork
Vagus Nerve Breathwork & Movement
Kritan Kriya
Love and Kindness
Releasing Inner Anger
Chakras are 7 energy points in our bodies:
Root affects your stability, courage, and grounding.
Sacral affects healthy emotions and relationships.
Solar Plexus affects self-confidence and personal power.
Heart affects compassion, and emotional balance.
Throat affects communication, openness, and honesty.
Third-Eye affects intuition, and mental clarity.
Crown affects awareness and oneness.
The function of our Chakras is to draw in energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health of the body in balance. This 7-week series allows us to work on one Chakra each week, giving you lots of information about how we can support that Chakra, and we end with a meditation on that Chakra for that week. When you sign up you will be sent 7 Chakra gemstones to add extra support through the series. I highly suggest you look up and take a Chakra Quiz to see where you need support.
XOXO Christine
The 4-week meditation and breathwork series is created for you to hear all the amazing benefits of what meditation and breathwork has to offer you. Breathwork and meditation go hand in hand. Every week I will chat about all the benefits and we will end with a guided meditation. The guided meditation will be roughly 10 minutes long but you will soon learn if you don’t have 10 minutes you can start with just a few minutes. Meditation is all about consistency not about the minutes you meditate.
XOXO Christine
The 21-day meditation challenge is designed for you to experience different meditation styles. This allows you to be open to learning a variety of meditations. We all may gravitate to or love certain meditation styles but knowing there is more than just sitting in an easy pose opens you up to reap the benefits of what meditation can give you. As you may feel drawn to one type of meditation you will have the knowingness, and the tools of multiple to serve you in the future. 21 days of consistency will give you a good start on making meditation a daily habit.
XOXO Christine
Hi everyone, my name is Kaycee Stewart. I grew up in New Norway and now live in Bawlf with my fiancé. I have been a hairdresser for 10 years. After graduating I moved to Red Deer where I took cosmetology. I finished in 2013 and have been working in the industry ever since. I have found being a stylist has made me way more confident in myself and has made me grow so much as a person. I would have to say I thoroughly enjoy doing mens cuts, but I love learning new things and growing everyday. I also love the relationships I have made over the years by doing people’s hair and always enjoy meeting & getting to know new people!
XOXO Christine
Reset Grounding Breathwork meditation is an offering for you, a moment to ground yourself, to take time and reset through a guided breath meditation. As we all know, our days can not always go as planned as things change and that can throw us off. This meditation is a great tool to live your days with intention knowing we all have rises and falls in our daily life.
XOXO Christine
Your Vegas Nerve is our life force verve, which affects your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. While your body needs to be able to shift back and forth, we want to insure our bodies are not stuck in our sympathetic nervous system or in fight and flight mode. Breath work and movement can be a helpful tool to shift you into having a parasympathetic nervous system or into your rest and digest mode. Here you will find a few movements along with some breath work that will help support your vagus nerve.
XOXO Christine
CYA-MT200 Certifcation
200 Hour Course on breathwork
200 Hour Course on repairing the vagus nerve with the support of breathwork
12 hour Yoga Nidra teacher training